Thursday, September 3, 2015

Today's workout was 21 DF Dirty 30.  Tough.  There were some side planks I was a little too chicken to try.  I modified the modifier.  My abs were hurting -- and not in a good way -- during the chest fly/lower leg combo so about the halfway mark I dropped the leg portion.  Have to be mindful because of past surgeries. Looking forward to getting strong enough to do them.

So yesterday my eating was horrible.  Too much sugar: a cookie, bubble tea, frozen yogurt with lots of candy toppings.  And then too many dang pistachios.  Also, I ate after 8pm, which I've stopped doing over the past few weeks. This morning I felt so sluggish. I think it affected my workout and it is for sure affecting my energy. Easy to see how something like this can snowball.  I don't like how eating all that stuff made me feel.  A little is fine but it was just too much.  My goal is no sugar (like in treats but also the hidden sugars in stuff like ketchup, sauce) until my birthday in October, which is roughly six weeks away.  I'll allow myself some fruit and wine, though, as allowed during the 21 Day Fix eating plan which I plan on starting soon.

Today I kind of want to give my body a rest. Fill it with good green stuff to counteract the effects of the stuff I ate yesterday.  And next time I have frozen yogurt I'll stick to the fruit toppings!

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