Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 11/30

So I am on my 11th day of my Whole 30.  I really want to honor the promises I made to myself.  I have been doing well, but my sweetie pie's birthday is coming up and we are going to go out for dinner. No carbs, no sugar, no alcohol, may be a challenge.  So for the past four days, I have been in agony physically.  Not sure if it is because I am not getting enough fiber or because of "female" reasons, but I have been bloated, crampy and haven't been feeling optimal.  Two nights I was in so much pain, I couldn't even sleep.  I've been taking pepcid and using hot water bottles at night but I still slightly feel off today.  I even felt like I was bloating after my green drink, which is very odd. 

And it has affected my workouts.  I didn't workout at all the day before yesterday -- I had a step workout on schedule, and attempted it yesterday and only did 2/3 of the workout.  I also have a weight workout on schedule today but kind of don't feel like it although I will do it.  For sure.  I am not feeling so badly that I can't workout and I don't want to lose any gains -- especially because I am sure I'll be feeling better in a day or two and don't want to be mad at myself for not keeping my commitment.

Onward and downward (in terms of the scale and measurements!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Whole 30 Challenge

Today I am starting both a Whole 30 Challenge ( and doing the Cross-Training Les Mills Pump rotation, which is also 30 days. For the past 8-10 weeks I have been doing the Pump rotation. I have definitely gained muscle but not lost any fat. The Cross-Training rotation will help with fat loss as well as the Whole 30. I made a fritatta last night with ham, spinach, mushrooms, onion and eggs. I'll have turkey in my salad. And for dinner I will have a steak and some veggies. I really want and need to see major transformation. I look at the Pump rotation as setting up the foundation. I am transitioning to a Paleo/Primal way of eating and hope the Whole 30 will be a reset for me.

My workout today was a 30 minute step routine.  Wowza.  I didn't use any risers and had a hard time keeping up.  On the plus side:  there is much room for growth.  This was definitely a sweaty one.

I am also using my Zaggora Hot Pants.  I am going to wear for two weeks to see if I get any loss.  At the very least it is additional warmth that could help get my muscles warm.

Breakfast:  Mushroom, Spinach, Ham, Onion, Garlic Frittata.  Found on the Easy Paleo site.  Used my cast iron skillet, which I just bought this weekend, to make.  And made enough to last for four meals.

Lunch: Salad with peppers, avocado and deli turkey.  Not a big fan of deli meats, but am going to use because I already have on hand.

Dinner:  Steak and stir-fry veggies.