Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feeling good....

Today I started a new kettlebell routine -- MB45. It is a 6 week program. The beginner's workout this morning was under 20 minutes, but wow, do I feel it in my abs tonite. Lots of planks held for 20 seconds at a pop and I did them all with straight legs and not on my toes! Yay! I'll be doing burpees and mountain climbers in no time!

I took before pics and my weight and waist measurements. I also decided to start doing the Belly Fat Cure again. I was looking at Belly Fat Cure Fast Track, and primal and paleo diets, which eliminate all carbs but I couldn't seem to stick to it. I'm hoping that by adding carbs back in as part of my daily diet, that I will be able to see some progress. I did really well on the BFC last year, losing 35 lbs, and since then I've stalled. My goal is to lose at least 15lbs over the next six weeks and to start doing burpees instead of sitting them out when they come up during a workout. Every time I don't even try, I feel like I am letting myself down, but it looks like such an intimidating exercise. But I will do my best. You have to crawl before you walk and the way I'll do these burpees may not be pretty in the beginning, but I will give it my best effort.
