Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Shaun T is my guru (or at least one of them)

So today was my second attempt at doing Livin' in the 8s from Shaun T's CIZE series. It is the longest workout so far -- 50+ minutes -- and the most complex choreography.  When I tried it yesterday I felt so discouraged even though I always feel that was the first time I attempt a new routine. Although I did acknowledge that I finished the workout and didn't quit so should gave myself props for that. I usually pick up the moves by the third time I do the new routine.  Today's workout felt so much better.  I was proud of myself for how much I improved from the day before.

I want to bring that same kind of awareness to other things in my life.  How awkward and frustrating something feels like until you "get" it. Maybe it is that way with my eating as well.  That it is full of frustration and ups and down until I really make that connection and get out of my own way. Yesterday I knew that my anger was an illusion, something I was creating, that I was making myself upset despite the knowledge that I was going to improve and that wouldn't always feel this way when I did this workout.  The key is to not quit, to believe it is going to get better, to have faith in the process.  I need that with my eating as well.  And in other areas of my life.

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