Thursday, September 10, 2015


My CIZE workout was fantastic today. I feel like I'm buzzing! I even went back and did the CIZE it up part from yesterday's workout and it was like night and day!

This morning, I woke up, had my coffee and did the Loving Kindness meditation before working out.
Had my Shakeology and another cup of coffee later.
Had some soup with Miracle Rice and a salad for lunch.
Had a SF Red Bull before my CIZE that I started about 3:35 or so.
I also laced up my sneakers more tightly and my knees felt much better in the workout.
I did some of the moves better in CIZE and I think that was because of the sneakers as well as having done the workout several times.

Not snacking throughout helped me with my energy and drive.  I read my 30 day goals this am as well.

And I got a lot done work wise and around the house.

Not watching tv helped a lot.  It is such a time suck. So is FB though and I was definitely on that.  Off to have a protein shake and work some more.


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