Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I was disappointed with myself today.  Last night I was supposed to go into the city for a workout but the trains were all screwy so I got so frustrated that I got a burger and milkshake followed by a frappacino.  Then I came home and ate even more.  I went to bed late -- past 2:30am and this morning was really off my game. I started my workout late -- 21DF Cardio Fix -- although I did make some gains there.  Got my knees higher for the high knees exercise and modified the mountain climbers to the standing version.  And then I ate badly again. Fell into bad habits and when I did my CIZE just now I had no umph. I was probably doing it at 50% and could barely move.  Not sure why I self sabotage this way.  Lack of sleep leads to poor eating choice.  I have 42 days until my birthday and I want to get better. Build better habits.  My eating has been such a source of frustration these days.  I set out to do one thing and then it all falls apart time and time again.  I'm trying to practice self-compassion but keep falling short.  

I'm going to practice the Loving Kindness Meditation daily that my therapist told me about and hope that puts me in a better frame of mind to make loving, nurturing, soul enhancing choices for myself.


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