Thursday, September 10, 2015


My CIZE workout was fantastic today. I feel like I'm buzzing! I even went back and did the CIZE it up part from yesterday's workout and it was like night and day!

This morning, I woke up, had my coffee and did the Loving Kindness meditation before working out.
Had my Shakeology and another cup of coffee later.
Had some soup with Miracle Rice and a salad for lunch.
Had a SF Red Bull before my CIZE that I started about 3:35 or so.
I also laced up my sneakers more tightly and my knees felt much better in the workout.
I did some of the moves better in CIZE and I think that was because of the sneakers as well as having done the workout several times.

Not snacking throughout helped me with my energy and drive.  I read my 30 day goals this am as well.

And I got a lot done work wise and around the house.

Not watching tv helped a lot.  It is such a time suck. So is FB though and I was definitely on that.  Off to have a protein shake and work some more.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I was disappointed with myself today.  Last night I was supposed to go into the city for a workout but the trains were all screwy so I got so frustrated that I got a burger and milkshake followed by a frappacino.  Then I came home and ate even more.  I went to bed late -- past 2:30am and this morning was really off my game. I started my workout late -- 21DF Cardio Fix -- although I did make some gains there.  Got my knees higher for the high knees exercise and modified the mountain climbers to the standing version.  And then I ate badly again. Fell into bad habits and when I did my CIZE just now I had no umph. I was probably doing it at 50% and could barely move.  Not sure why I self sabotage this way.  Lack of sleep leads to poor eating choice.  I have 42 days until my birthday and I want to get better. Build better habits.  My eating has been such a source of frustration these days.  I set out to do one thing and then it all falls apart time and time again.  I'm trying to practice self-compassion but keep falling short.  

I'm going to practice the Loving Kindness Meditation daily that my therapist told me about and hope that puts me in a better frame of mind to make loving, nurturing, soul enhancing choices for myself.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Today was 21D LF.  The wins: My form on the curtsy squats has improved as well as the calf raises. I definitely had better balance this workout than last. I used 3 lbs throughout but I'm going to up to 5 lb weights for next time.

I feel like I could do better on the fire hydrants toward the end.  Maybe I should try on my elbows instead of on my hands so I can focus on my form better.  Didn't really "feel" all the reps.

Today is first day of Tulin's plus size support group and am excited to focus on the next 30 days and transform my body and mind.

I got this.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

Finished the 6 week CIZE rotation today!  Never would have thought I could  have learned all those routines but I did. Today's workout was especially great because I gave it my all and put a lot into the movements and considering how frustrated I was when I first did Livin' in the 8s, my attitude was a total 180.

I also started the second week of 21DF -- Total Body Cardio Fix. I modify the surrenders by doing step ups on my Firm box.  Still really challenging. I know I'll be feeling it tomorrow.

I did these workouts back to back, which I don't often do because I wasn't sure if I would be able to workout later.  It feels really good to be able to workout for an hour and a half! I've really come far in my fitness and want that success to carry over into other areas of my life.


Friday, September 4, 2015

CIZE Livin' in the 8s for my a.m. workout.  Fourth time doing it and feels so good to get those moves down.  It is the longest one in the set I think (50+ minutes) and when I mentioned to Coach Tulin (my Beachbody coach) that it was so long she said, "Well, you earned that workout!"  What a great way to think about it. It is the last in the basic set so I'm six workouts in and tomorrow will finish the rotation.  Going to start again on Monday with the Weight Loss Cize rotation.  This time I hope to really be able to 'live' (as Shaun T would say) in the moves.  I want to not have to think about them so much, and put more expression and passion into dance.

So yesterday, my joints -- esp my knees -- felt so creaky as I did CIZE and 21 DF Cardio Fix.  I ate a lot of sugary treats the day before and I think it had an adverse effect on my body.  It isn't just about weight loss but how my body feels and yesterday it felt sluggish and uncomfortable.  I need to keep that in mind as I think about how best to fuel my body.  If you feel bad you are less likely to exercise and then it all starts to go downhill.

Up later today is 21DF Yoga Fix. Pulled out my yoga blocks just in case although I can't find my yoga strap.  Tulin had a good modification for downward dog for the PiYo workout that I may use here if that move is present.

Also, today, Tulin asked us to come up with what we hope to accomplish over the next 30 days.  Here are my health and fitness goals:

1. Drink Shakeology after a.m. workout
2. Have two salads a day
3. Incorporate eating meditation
3. Finish CIZE weight loss rotation
4. Complete at least one round of 21 DF
5. Lose 10 lbs by birthday
6. Read something motivating every time I go in kitchen
7. Improve form with planks and push ups
8. Approach this process with an open heart and mind
9. Incorporate the 21 Day Fix eating plan
10. Make not eating after 8pm a habit
11. Drink gallon of water daily
12. Keep in mind that I am an athlete-in-training
13. Celebrate the wins daily -- large and small
14. Practice self-compassion daily
15. Take meals at dining room table

16. Practice mindfulness when eating

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Today's workout was 21 DF Dirty 30.  Tough.  There were some side planks I was a little too chicken to try.  I modified the modifier.  My abs were hurting -- and not in a good way -- during the chest fly/lower leg combo so about the halfway mark I dropped the leg portion.  Have to be mindful because of past surgeries. Looking forward to getting strong enough to do them.

So yesterday my eating was horrible.  Too much sugar: a cookie, bubble tea, frozen yogurt with lots of candy toppings.  And then too many dang pistachios.  Also, I ate after 8pm, which I've stopped doing over the past few weeks. This morning I felt so sluggish. I think it affected my workout and it is for sure affecting my energy. Easy to see how something like this can snowball.  I don't like how eating all that stuff made me feel.  A little is fine but it was just too much.  My goal is no sugar (like in treats but also the hidden sugars in stuff like ketchup, sauce) until my birthday in October, which is roughly six weeks away.  I'll allow myself some fruit and wine, though, as allowed during the 21 Day Fix eating plan which I plan on starting soon.

Today I kind of want to give my body a rest. Fill it with good green stuff to counteract the effects of the stuff I ate yesterday.  And next time I have frozen yogurt I'll stick to the fruit toppings!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Crushed my 21 Day Fix Cardio today. And by that I mean I didn't do everything perfectly but I stuck with it and modified the modifier if need be. I can't do mountain climbers on the floor (after so many abdominal surgeries I have to be really careful with core work) so after the workout I googled standing mountain climbers and am ready for the next time!  Also, before I started 21DF I did T25 for about a week but there were so many planks and push-ups that I couldn't do because of my core issues.  There was a good modifier for burpees though that I was able to use in 21 DF Cardio, which goes to show that we do what we do and we get what we need.  My short stint with T25 wasn't a waste because I got something out of it and I fully intend to go back to it when my core is more strong.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Shaun T is my guru (or at least one of them)

So today was my second attempt at doing Livin' in the 8s from Shaun T's CIZE series. It is the longest workout so far -- 50+ minutes -- and the most complex choreography.  When I tried it yesterday I felt so discouraged even though I always feel that was the first time I attempt a new routine. Although I did acknowledge that I finished the workout and didn't quit so should gave myself props for that. I usually pick up the moves by the third time I do the new routine.  Today's workout felt so much better.  I was proud of myself for how much I improved from the day before.

I want to bring that same kind of awareness to other things in my life.  How awkward and frustrating something feels like until you "get" it. Maybe it is that way with my eating as well.  That it is full of frustration and ups and down until I really make that connection and get out of my own way. Yesterday I knew that my anger was an illusion, something I was creating, that I was making myself upset despite the knowledge that I was going to improve and that wouldn't always feel this way when I did this workout.  The key is to not quit, to believe it is going to get better, to have faith in the process.  I need that with my eating as well.  And in other areas of my life.