Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 11/30

So I am on my 11th day of my Whole 30.  I really want to honor the promises I made to myself.  I have been doing well, but my sweetie pie's birthday is coming up and we are going to go out for dinner. No carbs, no sugar, no alcohol, may be a challenge.  So for the past four days, I have been in agony physically.  Not sure if it is because I am not getting enough fiber or because of "female" reasons, but I have been bloated, crampy and haven't been feeling optimal.  Two nights I was in so much pain, I couldn't even sleep.  I've been taking pepcid and using hot water bottles at night but I still slightly feel off today.  I even felt like I was bloating after my green drink, which is very odd. 

And it has affected my workouts.  I didn't workout at all the day before yesterday -- I had a step workout on schedule, and attempted it yesterday and only did 2/3 of the workout.  I also have a weight workout on schedule today but kind of don't feel like it although I will do it.  For sure.  I am not feeling so badly that I can't workout and I don't want to lose any gains -- especially because I am sure I'll be feeling better in a day or two and don't want to be mad at myself for not keeping my commitment.

Onward and downward (in terms of the scale and measurements!)

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