Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 19/30 EA Active

I finished up my 13th workout for the challenge (30 days = 20 workouts). Forehead dripping with sweat, which makes me feel good.

It was a great workout. Upper body focused, no squats or lunges (which I hate).

Next workout is squat holds and lunges so I need to prepare myself mentally for that. I may actually skip the squats and squat holds. Too hard on my knees. I wish they would let you sub other exercises but oh well. Maybe I'll keep the squat holds. Don't want to miss four exercises in case it is included twice.

Eating so far has been blah. Had six eggs! Made two egg salad sandwiches with l/f mayo, tumeric, mustard, diet whole wheat bread. Not sure why I did that. For lunch I am making a smoothie with orange juice, maca, banana, froz berries and some greens - maybe spinach, and flax seed. Dinner tonite is grilled steak, roasted beets, and mashed potatoes.

I want to take a Zumba class tomorrow. Hope I don't punk out.

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